Live Oak Talent Show
Hello Live Oak Families,
Does your kid have a special talent that you’d like to show off, then this is your chance! A variety of talents are welcome - Monologues, Original songs, short skits, Dance, Gymnastics, Recitation, Playing an instrument, Magic tricks, Comedy act, Hula hoop, Sports, Puppet show, Martial Arts, and many more. Let your imagination bring out the creativity within.
Live OAK PTA is bringing the Talent show on February 7th for our kids to showcase their talent in front of amazingly supportive friends and family. You will absolutely love this experience.
Important Dates
Last date for Registration - Jan 13, 2025
Audition Dates - Jan 22 and 23, 2025
Final Performance Day- Feb 7, 2025
For all questions/queries, please email
Required Forms
Registration Form -
Volunteer Signup Form - To be opened up soon!
Volunteers are the key for execution and success of any event. For the execution of the Talent Show, we are looking for volunteers on the day of dress rehearsals and Final show. Some of the tasks include
Managing Participants sign in and sign out.
Escorting the performers from Greenroom to MRP, restrooms if needed and vice versa.
Taking photographs of performers on dress rehearsal day for the yearbook.
Photographers for the final performance day.
Help with stage setup
Microphone adjustments
Help with Curtain opening and closing.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Talent show all about?
This event is a talent show for the Students in grades TK-5th to showcase one of their many talents through Monologues, Original songs, Short skits, Dance, Gymnastics, Recitation, Playing an instrument, Magic tricks, Comedy act, Hula hoop, Sports, Puppet show, Martial Arts, and many more.
Do we have a Theme for the Talent Show?
Yes. The theme is “Fun Meets Talent!”
What are the Participation Requirements ?
Registration for the talent show before the deadline ( Jan 13, 2025 ) is mandatory for all the kids to participate in the Talent show.
Students must attend “auditions” and the act should be complete with music, choreography, and direction.
Students need to be able to attend the mandatory dress rehearsal.
Group Performances will be given more preference over solos.
Singing acts should use karaoke music or live accompaniment. Songs should be age appropriate with clean lyrics.
Lip-syncing is not allowed unless accompanied by a dance routine.
Students may perform in 1 act. Additional acts may be approved based on the number of applicants.
All acts will have a maximum time limit of 90 seconds.
What are the guidelines for Music & Song Submission?
You must trim and prepare your own music tracks in digital format. Ask a tech savy friend to help!
Music files must be audio only. No video files can be accepted.
Music should be age appropriate with clean lyrics.
Please trim music to 90 seconds or less before submitting.
Will there be auditions for the Talent show?
Yes, there will be auditions to make sure the act and lyrics are age appropriate, act is within the specified time limit and check kids' preparedness. We try to accommodate all acts and that is why we request all participants to adhere to strict 1 minute 30 seconds (90 seconds) time limitations per act.
Why do we need auditions?
We need auditions to ensure that the act and lyrics are age appropriate, and the act is within the specified time limit to provide equal opportunity to all the students and check kids' preparedness.
When is the Talent Show?
Below are some Important Dates for Talent Show
Last date for registration - Jan 13, 2025 EOD
Audition Dates - Jan 22 and Jan 23
Dress Rehearsal - Feb 5, 2025
Final Performance Day - Feb 7, 2025 6pm to 8 pm
Can the kid perform in the final show without auditions?
Turning in the application and auditions are mandatory for all the kids to participate in the Talent show.
If the act is a group activity then all the parents must turn in the application form with the names of all the kids participating in the act. For example, for a group act if there are 5 kids participating in the act, then all the 5 parents have to turn in the applications listing all the 5 kids name in the form. Without the parents consent form, the child will not be allowed to perform in the Talent show.
What is expected during dress rehearsals?
For the dress rehearsals,
Kids come dressed up in performance costumes.
Photographs of the performers will be taken for the Year book purposes.
Request all the kids to bring LABELED props. Props will be left at school until the night of the show.
Technical aspects of the act will be analyzed to help kids prep for the final show.
Performers are expected to concentrate on their acts during rehearsals; inappropriate behavior will not be permitted.
Students must check in at the beginning of each rehearsal. Students may go home once they are finished rehearsing but need to check out first.
What are the Volunteering opportunities for the Talent show?
Volunteers are the key for execution and success of any event. For the execution of the Talent Show, we are looking for volunteers on the day of dress rehearsals and Final show. Some of the tasks include
Managing Participants sign in and sign out.
Escorting the performers from Greenroom to MRP, restrooms if needed and vice versa.
Taking photographs of performers on dress rehearsal day for the yearbook.
Photographers for the final performance day.
Help with stage setup
Microphone adjustments
Help with Curtain opening and closing.