WELCOME TO the hub of LIVE OAK PTA!  Have a voice in deciding the direction of your school.  JOIN NOW

Upcoming: Sept 2024, dates TBD


PTA needs your help!

Take a look at the open positions. The following document lists the latest update.

PTA Positions (currently open)

If there'a a position that interests you, please let us know right away - Fill this form here or email liveoakpta@gmail.com or contact any other PTA board member to let us know which event you can help with.

Learn more about the various PTA positions, responsibilities and time commitments

Help us plan events for next year. Click to fill up the feedback form - PTA Events Feedback form

Upcoming Events and Announcements!

Get an early start! 

Work on 2024-25 Reflections Entries This Summer!

Student Artists! You have the opportunity to be recognized for your masterpieces. The theme for the 2024-25 Reflections Art Program has been announced - “Accepting Imperfection.” Since entries won’t be due from your school’s PTA Reflections program until this fall, you have the whole summer to work on your masterpieces! Remember, the Artist Statement and Interpretation of Theme are very important, not just the creative way you express your art form, so spend time reflecting on “Accepting Imperfection,” and what that means to you. Can’t wait to see your entries this fall!


 Recent Events! 

Click here to view all our past events  

Spring Book  Club

March-May 2024

Reading well done! Thank you to our parent volunteers Harry Hansrai, Anum Bashir, Reshma Govind, and Dave Maino for helping lead our young readers.  

Special thanks to our book club chairs Wendy Sanchez and Shilpy Kapoor for planning and guiding the team. 

We are all looking forward to seeing what exciting and interesting books are in store for next year. New readers are welcome, so please join Book Club in Fall 2024!! 

Spring Run club

March-May 2024

2024 Spring run club ended last Wednesday. As we bid farewell to this fantastic running season, we want to celebrate the incredible achievements and camaraderie that have defined our time together. Throughout the season, our dedicated group of 12 runners collectively logged an impressive 36 miles over 9 weeks. Each step taken was a testament to the kid's commitment, perseverance, and passion for running.

We are especially proud to announce our leaderboard stars who truly went the extra mile. The hard work and dedication have inspired us all, and we applaud each one of the runners.

Come join the RUN CLUB crew in the Fall to log your laps, receive charms, compete and have fun with your fellow runners!!

Thank you Ajit Rajak for chairing Run Club this year.

HSA and Student participation Awards

May 15

There was so much joy in the air last night, as we felicitated those who’ve served the community. From someone who has spent a lifetime fostering local kids to another who served the school community for more than a decade. From a teacher who works tirelessly with special Ed kids to a mom who juggles several volunteering roles with a smile on her face. Live Oak PTA celebrates them all!  As we wrap up the year, we look forward to many more years working hand in hand with those enhancing the quality of children and the larger community.

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week

May 6-10

The Teachers and Staff Appreciation week was a huge success and thank you to all the volunteers for your support and participation. Our superstar teachers and staff felt greatly appreciated by the week-long celebration that included a special breakfast, movie-time snacks, catered lunch (Chipotle), frozen Menchie’s treats, and delicious desserts, as well as the special activities, treats and gifts by our kids each day during the week.

Special mention to PTA volunteers Lili Shiau and Vidhi Modi for organizing the week long event for our staff!

SRV Council PTA Statement on Inclusive Event Planning 

“PTAs everywhere must understand and embrace the uniqueness of all individuals, appreciating that each contributes a diversity of views, experiences, cultural heritage/traditions, skills/abilities, values and preferences. When PTAs respect differences yet acknowledge shared commonalities uniting their communities, and then develop meaningful priorities based upon their knowledge, they genuinely represent their communities. When PTAs represent their communities, they gain strength and effectiveness through increased volunteer and resource support.” CAPTA Inclusion & Diversity 


The San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs (“Council”) is committed to supporting our units in their efforts to continue to develop effective family engagement opportunities that are inclusive. PTA leadership, as community representatives, should collaborate with school administration to identify and eliminate barriers to family engagement related to race, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status, family structure, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, and religion. 

Council strongly encourages units to offer inclusive events. We value inclusion and diversity of our various communities. Culture, family structure, gender and sexual orientation should not deter participation in PTA events. Families and students should not need to call out their differences to feel included. 

Gender-neutral events are more welcoming and culturally inclusive. A majority of units in the SRVUSD have replaced gender-specific events with gender-neutral ones. Parent-child events need not be cancelled; rather, the nomenclature is changing with the times. Units have received positive responses to events such as “Pastries with Parents,” “Family Dance,” “Sweetheart Dance” or “VIP Dance”. These are just a few creative ways to use language to foster inclusion. 

PTA stands for “All Children, All Families” and our motto is “Every Child, One Voice.” National and California PTA have long encouraged PTA units to plan events that are inclusive. Inclusive events more effectively serve all children and all families and lead to greater parental and community engagement, which benefits every child.  We recommend that unit Presidents collaborate with their principal on inclusive language and events so that students and families are always welcome to events sponsored by the PTA.