Health & Wellness

What We Do
The Live Oak PTA Health & Wellness Committee is dedicated to promoting smart and healthy choices for our students and their families. 
We encourage and advocate for:
  • Nutrition education and healthy meals
  • Physical education and physical activity
  • Social-Emotional well-being
  • Importance of sleep
  • Creative outlets with music and art education
  • Free play
  • Pedestrian and Bike/Scooter Safety

For more information about Health & Wellness initiatives, visit the California State PTA's Health and San Ramon Valley Council of PTA's Health & Wellness sites. 
To volunteer or to learn more about Live Oak's Health & Wellness team, contact


Washing your hands with soap and water is one of the most important ways to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. When soap and water are not readily available, alcohol-based hand sanitizers or antibacterial wipes are useful alternatives.


Covering your sneezes and coughs helps prevent the spread of germs. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough. If you do not have a tissue or a mask, sneeze/cough into your upper sleeve. Remember to wash those jackets and sweaters regularly! 

For a visual about how easily sneezes spread respiratory droplets and germs, check out this video from MythBusters.


The following is a message from a group of Live Oak students

Food waste is a huge problem in our school community as well as the nation. Our goal is to decrease the amount of lunch food waste by increasing food waste awareness in our school community,  Live Oak Elementary School. 

Please take a moment to watch our video presentation (hyperlinked) and learn what you can do to decrease food waste.

2023-11 DI Food Waste Presentation.mp4


Did you know that 1 in 13 kids in the United States has a food allergy? That’s about two students in every classroom. For children with food allergies, even a tiny amount of food they are allergic to can make them very sick.

The Teal Pumpkin Project is a simple way to make trick or treating safer and more inclusive for children living with food allergies and other food related conditions. Instead of candy, consider offering non-food items. Learn how to participate in the Teal Pumpkin Project and help make this Halloween safer for everyone. 

SRVUSD's meal program will continue to provide free meals for all students for the 2023-2024 academic year. This program, which is offered to students and school districts throughout California, is part of the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. 
For complete information, please visit the Child Nutrition website and FAQs.
  • Menus can be found on Nutrislice. Note: menus are subject to change especially due to pandemic supply shortages. 
  • Information about special dietary needs may be found here.


Please take a few moments to talk to your students about the following safe procedures when walking to and from school:

We would also ask that our parents take into consideration the following points when driving on and around our school:

For more information about pedestrian and bike safety, visit  Street Smarts.