Have a voice in deciding the direction of our school!

PTA Membership

Let’s work together to build an even better Live Oak community for our kids! Support Live Oak Elementary School by becoming a member of the Live Oak PTA.  Your annual membership gets you a vote at PTA general meetings, where you can help decide which activities and programs we bring to Live Oak. You will also receive various discounts offered exclusively to PTA members. 

We offer three membership levels: 

What does the PTA do?

The PTA helps fund many school programs and community events at Live Oak. Did you know the PTA organizes multiple family events (Talent Show, Trunk-or-Treat, Family Bowling, Run Club, Book Club) throughout the year?  

Why should you join?

Discounts and membership perks are great benefits, but more importantly, get connected, volunteer, and share your ideas! Have you heard about a program at another school that you’d like to start at Live Oak? Come tell us about it and help to bring it to our own school! Let’s work together to build an even better community for our kids!

How to Join

Most members join during the school registration in August, but we are happy to accept new members throughout the year. To join, go to 

Membership Questions?

Please contact the VP of Membership at

Please note.