Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Visit the National PTA for resources to learn about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion issues, discuss these topics in our community, and take action to more effectively serve all children and families.
The San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs stands against the unfairness of bias, bigotry and racism in all forms. The California State PTA recently published a statement denouncing racial injustice and calling for greater equity and inclusion. We have been addressing inclusion and diversity in our schools for many years, and we are mindful that there is more work to be done. As an organization dedicated to the best interests of all our children and youth, we make special efforts to advocate for our children, youth and families who face institutionalized inequities, including in the educational system. We respond to the call of the California State PTA "to bring to life the principles of inclusion, equity, and diversity" for people of color in our communities by the work of our Inclusion and Diversity Committee and our collaboration with the San Ramon Valley Unified School District. The Council offers below a summary of anti-bias terminology and multimedia resources to our parent communities to be utilized in whatever ways are helpful for them. As parents, we can best support our children and youth by addressing and minimizing the biases they face and witness, to ensure a more equitable future for all. *(Statement from the SRVCPTA website)
Learn more about the SRVUSD Mission for Equity
To volunteer and become more involved in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts with Live Oak PTA, contact ilveoakpta@gmail.com